Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011

Giving Thanks

It's been awhile since I have last blogged, but I needed to share, so here goes........

Through everything, I have learned to give thanks: even when I am at my lowest because I have found out that it could be worse.... I will bless the Lord at all times because everything I go through is not for me, but a testimony to help others! In the past month I have had the opportunity to talk and share with others and it has truly blessed my soul; to finally begin to understand why the Lord placed me on this earth and the journey I have taken to get where I am today. The obstacles that we as women, mothers, sisters, daughters, etc. go through it is only to make us stronger! Honestly, I believe that God gave WOMEN the duties of motherhood and being a wife because He knew we could endure more than men, and that we are stronger creatures. Being able to juggle and go through what we do is not an easy task, and there are many hardships, but I am confident that with God on your side you are able to overcome each and everyone!

God didn't promise that our life would be peaches and cream all our days, and as I have said before God gives us Free Will to make our own choices, make the right choices because each choice determines the outcome. No matter who or what tries to get in the way ALWAYS conduct yourself at all times as ladies, mothers, and most importantly Women of God because others are watching.

My Third Journey:

On Friday I will be 28 weeks and I will be celebrating my first year anniversary to my wonderful husband! It is a blessing and the greatest feeling ever, and I don't take it lightly.
To fill my bundle in the making kicking and moving is truly a blessing and I am so ready to see her face in 12 weeks! Everyday that inches by our family is getting more and more excited! At this point in life I appreciate and love being a mother even more! Don't take this time for granted, but embrace and cherish every moment.....

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