Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Much Better

January 24, 2012

Often times as women we find ourselves settling for mediocre things in life. We are content with what is giving to us that we don't demand what we deserve. We settle for the half on the fence relationship with God, the knock off bag, the dead end job, average grades, and the man that deals with us but truly doesn't love us. However, that is not the plans God has for your life. "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

I found myself always settling for average in life. As a woman of God, a part of me knew that God had something in store that was bigger and better. It was a matter of walking away from my past and releasing the things that hindered me. Once I learned to let go and let God have his way in my life things began to get much better. I dealt with heartache, persecution, being stabbed in the back by so-called friends, but I realized there was a reason for it all: God was preparing me for Better! Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them." With that being said, I know that my God is not finished with me yet. God delivered me from something's to allow Greater things!

Remember, every trial and tribulation is not meant to harm you, but God allows it to strengthen your relationship with Him and to help you grow as a child of God. James 1:2-4

My best is yet to come!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Who or what do you need to unsubscribe from?

What is the meaning of unsubscribe? Free Dictionary states, "to cancel a subscritption, especially to an online publication, service, or mailing list. If you think about it, there are many things you could unsubscribe from: broken relationships, so-called friends, extra-curricular activities, and the list goes on. How are these subscriptions affecting your life? And through these subscriptions how are you affecting others? If the subscriptions (i.e. relationships, activities, etc) are not adding to your life then maybe it is time to remove it from your life!

First, you must be honest with yourself and examine how you affect others. As children of God we all in some way are teachers, and have a responsibility to try our best to live the life God has called us to. Women, we have all been influenced by other women whether good or bad. We just need to keep in mind that there are younger ladies who are watching our every move, so then how will your teachings affect the younger generation? James 3:1

Nonetheless, we have to understand that we are not supposed to subscribe to everything because every subscription isn't a good subscription. Be mindful of who and/or what you allow in your life because unsubscribing may be harder than what you think.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Trusting In God

As women we find ourselves always trying to please others, whether it is on the job, our children, husbands/fiancé, friends, family, etc. In the midst of all this we lose sight of what's important and sometimes waver between right and wrong. Doubt leaves a person as unsettled as the restless waves. Stop allowing others to determine your outcome because I have learned that no matter how hard you try to please others, you will fail, and their opinion really doesn't matter!

During my journey in life, I have struggled with "always trying to please others even if it made me miserable." At times we can find ourselves so into other people that we miss out on a blessing from God and most importantly: pleasing Him! Furthermore, from my experience it is better to say no sometimes in order to make room for what God truly has in store for you.

Society puts women into this box and has a certain image in mind, but guess what? God made us all different and has given us free will to make our own decisions. Quit giving others the power to toss you about, rely on God to show you what is best for you. You must ask God for wisdom and guidance, then trust that he will give it to you. Just know that only then will your decisions be sure and solid. James 1:6-8

God is the only one I am striving to please!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

God is not finished!

One of my favorite people in the world asked me, "why don't you still blog?" It clicked and I knew then that there was something I was supposed to be doing, and that was blogging.

So many times we get caught up in our own desires and what "I" need that we forget about others. My pastor(Craig) said it best- "if you have both hands full how can you help others?" It is better to have less of what doesn't matter and more of what does. Ecclesiastes 4:6

Over the years I have learned, that every trial and tribulation was ordained by God (my testimony). It was not necessarily for me, but to help others. The voice God has given me was not used to keep to my self, but to vocalize to other women who are going through and need a little guidance. I used to ask God "why me, why give me this voice? I am not worthy? And God simply said, "why not you?" God used killers, thieves, etc., so why not use me? He has allowed me to stand in just about every shoe: single mother, divorced, married, sister, daughter, friend, best friend, etc. As women we can help each other in so many ways rather than tearing each other down.

My mission this year is to be consistent in everything and more helpful, and releasing the things that don't matter nor add positivity to my life, so I can make room for better!