Thursday, January 19, 2012


Who or what do you need to unsubscribe from?

What is the meaning of unsubscribe? Free Dictionary states, "to cancel a subscritption, especially to an online publication, service, or mailing list. If you think about it, there are many things you could unsubscribe from: broken relationships, so-called friends, extra-curricular activities, and the list goes on. How are these subscriptions affecting your life? And through these subscriptions how are you affecting others? If the subscriptions (i.e. relationships, activities, etc) are not adding to your life then maybe it is time to remove it from your life!

First, you must be honest with yourself and examine how you affect others. As children of God we all in some way are teachers, and have a responsibility to try our best to live the life God has called us to. Women, we have all been influenced by other women whether good or bad. We just need to keep in mind that there are younger ladies who are watching our every move, so then how will your teachings affect the younger generation? James 3:1

Nonetheless, we have to understand that we are not supposed to subscribe to everything because every subscription isn't a good subscription. Be mindful of who and/or what you allow in your life because unsubscribing may be harder than what you think.

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