Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4, 2010

Random Thoughts

Many thoughts run through my mind this evening, so it is hard to focus on a specific topic. As I look back over my life and everything God has taken me through to mold me into the woman I am today, I am so appreciative to Him! I appreciate every mistake, heartache, trial, and tribulation. I appreciate the many times I had to bump my head in order to learn. I appreciate the enemies that tried to trip me up. I appreciate every so-called friend that talked about me behind my back. I appreciate Him for making me go through what I went through because I would not be able to appreciate my past, present, nor future. 

Even though the world may seem as though they are against you, you have to encourage yourself to keep going. Through every inch of pain, sorrow, and heartache I have learned to Trust God for everything! He has taught me that even during my storms He will carry me, and when God speaks that the storm will cease. One thing I know about God, is that He will never leave nor forsake you. Storms will toss us back and forth, but just know that the storm can't last always; there is light at the end!

By God's grace I have made it this far and I want others to be inspired by me, not admire me.

My Third Journey:

Lord, I appreciate this beautiful blessing that you have trusted in me to raise. I am grateful for the present and future. Thank you for guiding us to teach this child who you are! Nobody but you Lord..... Thank you for this being that lives inside of me!

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