Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16, 2011

Giving Thanks

It's been awhile since I have last blogged, but I needed to share, so here goes........

Through everything, I have learned to give thanks: even when I am at my lowest because I have found out that it could be worse.... I will bless the Lord at all times because everything I go through is not for me, but a testimony to help others! In the past month I have had the opportunity to talk and share with others and it has truly blessed my soul; to finally begin to understand why the Lord placed me on this earth and the journey I have taken to get where I am today. The obstacles that we as women, mothers, sisters, daughters, etc. go through it is only to make us stronger! Honestly, I believe that God gave WOMEN the duties of motherhood and being a wife because He knew we could endure more than men, and that we are stronger creatures. Being able to juggle and go through what we do is not an easy task, and there are many hardships, but I am confident that with God on your side you are able to overcome each and everyone!

God didn't promise that our life would be peaches and cream all our days, and as I have said before God gives us Free Will to make our own choices, make the right choices because each choice determines the outcome. No matter who or what tries to get in the way ALWAYS conduct yourself at all times as ladies, mothers, and most importantly Women of God because others are watching.

My Third Journey:

On Friday I will be 28 weeks and I will be celebrating my first year anniversary to my wonderful husband! It is a blessing and the greatest feeling ever, and I don't take it lightly.
To fill my bundle in the making kicking and moving is truly a blessing and I am so ready to see her face in 12 weeks! Everyday that inches by our family is getting more and more excited! At this point in life I appreciate and love being a mother even more! Don't take this time for granted, but embrace and cherish every moment.....

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011


It has taken me years to accept who I am, and to be grateful for the trials and tribulations God has allowed in my life. Just like Job I count it joy to be tested because that means that God still has a purpose for me. It hasn't been easy for me to accept my past and the things that I have had to endure, but one thing I do know is that I don't regret my past. The past has made me the woman I am and has given me the opportunity to experience ups and downs, so that I can share those with others. Now, that I am wiser I am pressing towards the future, and not looking in the past. Even though life has dealt some bad hands I am still able to say "thank you Lord for it all!"

This year try to remain grateful for every situation you encounter. It may be the hardest time in your life, but know that God will never take you to a place without having plans to carry you through to the end! The great thing about finding the best out of a situation - is always knowing that the results will end up being better than they are at the moment.

Strive to be better than you were Yesterday!

My Third Journey:

Too excited because we have three more days until we find out the sex of the baby! Regardless, of the outcome we are praying for the health and strength of our baby. This has been the most challenging pregnancy I have gone through, but I am so grateful to have this opportunity to carry another being!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2010

He Saw The Best

There is something about Marvin Sapp's song that I can relate too.

It is so profound how these two sentences can impact so many lives!

"He saw the best in me, whenever one else around could only see the worst in me.
He's mine, and I am His; it doesn't matter what I did. He only sees me for who I am." 

The lyrics speak to me as a mother, woman, and as an individual living in everyday society. Folks counted you out, people dogged you, they persecuted you, they stabbed you in the back, they didn't believe you would amount to anything, and they even slandered your name in the streets. I can even go as far to say the following: whether you have been on drugs, had kids out of wedlock, danced on a strip pole, or sold your body God is so forgiving and STILL sees the BEST IN YOU! Some folks that once had your back may have wrote you off, but my God will always be there and see your potential! Yet, no matter what you have been through and how broken you may feel, God will always see the best in you!  

So many times we try to hold on to our past, which prevents us from moving forward, and in order to move forward and be blessed with what is truly ours, then we have to LET GO, and LET GOD! Yes, it may hurt to let it go, but God can only work when you let go of the mess. (If it doesn't benefit your life in a positive way then release it!) The Lord sees something in our future greater, and it is vital to release the past relationships, hurts, and pains, so the Best can be given! 

My Third Journey:
Lord, thank you for seeing the Best in me, for allowing me this opportunity to be a mother and carry this gift! 
I ask myself who am I to deserve such a gift? But my God sees something in me that others nor I can't see. The Best is Yet To Come

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 4, 2010

Random Thoughts

Many thoughts run through my mind this evening, so it is hard to focus on a specific topic. As I look back over my life and everything God has taken me through to mold me into the woman I am today, I am so appreciative to Him! I appreciate every mistake, heartache, trial, and tribulation. I appreciate the many times I had to bump my head in order to learn. I appreciate the enemies that tried to trip me up. I appreciate every so-called friend that talked about me behind my back. I appreciate Him for making me go through what I went through because I would not be able to appreciate my past, present, nor future. 

Even though the world may seem as though they are against you, you have to encourage yourself to keep going. Through every inch of pain, sorrow, and heartache I have learned to Trust God for everything! He has taught me that even during my storms He will carry me, and when God speaks that the storm will cease. One thing I know about God, is that He will never leave nor forsake you. Storms will toss us back and forth, but just know that the storm can't last always; there is light at the end!

By God's grace I have made it this far and I want others to be inspired by me, not admire me.

My Third Journey:

Lord, I appreciate this beautiful blessing that you have trusted in me to raise. I am grateful for the present and future. Thank you for guiding us to teach this child who you are! Nobody but you Lord..... Thank you for this being that lives inside of me!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Through A Child's Eyes

Over the years I have watched my daughters grow into young ladies. This is something that I try to cherish each and every day because I know life is not promised for any of us. The dreams and desires that my children express to me are one's that I do my best to make sure happens. The innocence in their hopes and dreams reminds me of the innocence that I once possessed several years ago. Looking through their eyes is what inspires me to keep striving and encourages me to do everything in my ability to make those dreams possible for them.

For many mothers we will sacrifice so much of our time and money to make sure that our children are happy. For those women I applaud! Children should never be deprived nor should their hopes and dreams be diminished. It is so hard to give a child everything he/she wants, but if we as mothers are capable then continue to push to make it possible. Look through the eyes of your children and I promise that it will inspire and motivate you even more to protect their dreams for the future! Nobody said that this thing called "motherhood" would be an easy journey, but it is one that is worth taking.

My Third Journey:

As my husband would say, "we have 11 more days to find out the sex of our baby!" Just to witness my husband express the joy and happiness for our baby makes every sickness and ache during this pregnancy worth having. Our journey together has been a roller coaster since our senior year in high school. Since the break up, to coming back together seven years later only to become one; was so worth the wait! I will cherish these moments that I hold our bundle of joy inside of me, and to see the joy on my husbands face is priceless!!!