Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010

This Isn't The End

There is one more day left in 2010, and it seems like it just begun. The months have come and gone, and the minutes have ticked away. Looking back over this year has made me ask several questions and reevaluate my purpose. What have I done to help others? Who have I impacted in a positive way? Have I gotten closer to God? What type of woman have I exemplified to others? Have I been the best wife I could possibly be? Am I setting myself up to be a good woman to the man God sends my way? Have I been the best mother I possibly could have been? Does this person make me better or just add negativity to my life? Was this year productive for you or did you take several steps back? For some women you may have had some of the same questions.

It may be hard to even answer some of these questions, but I have learned over my 28 years of life that I have a Purpose. In order to discover your purpose these are some of the questions you have to ask yourself. Through much meditation I realized that many times you have to eliminate, and that some people won't understand so it is important for you to encourage yourself. There are some things that you aren't able to engage in anymore, and there are some people that you must release to move forward. Letting go of those so-called friends, and not hanging with the same crowd was a challenge, but I realized that it was best for me to move toward my Purpose here on earth.

As mothers we have all experienced the struggles of balancing life. We have learned that the same folks that we thought were in our corner are sometimes the same folks that will turn their back on you. We have learned that the most important person(s) in our lives are our children, and we have to do what is best for them. That even means sometimes sacrificing school, working longer hours, and not going out. This year may have brought many challenges and broke you down. However, you made it! You reached down and used that inner strength, and through much prayer and power were able to conqueror what the enemy threw your way. Every trial and tribulation that has came your way was to only make you better, wiser, stronger and prepare you for something greater.

So keep pushing, keep striving, keep encouraging yourself, and know that
 "The Best is Yet To Come!"

My Third Journey:

The joy I have on the inside the world didn't give it the world can't take it away! I am so in love with the being living on the inside of me. Although, I do know that God has control, I am human and still have fears of bringing another child into this world. All the hatred, and chaos that is out there in the world worries me and I pray that none of my children will have to encounter any of it. Reality: I know they will, so as their mother the best thing I can do is allow God to use me to teach them.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 29, 2010

A Father's Love

Over the years I have learned how important a father's love is. I was blessed to grow up with a father in the home, and to be introduced to my heavenly father at a young age. Unfortunately, in today's society it is rare for a father to be present within the home. It kills me to hear the statistics and the lack that the males play in the lives of raising their children. Many have reasons and some could careless. Some even think that by being absent it will hurt the mother, but the person that is really hurting are the children. It is so important for any child to have a father in their lives, but it is vital for young girls to have that presence.

Unfortunately, I have had to be the one to explain to my children why their fathers are not around. As the mother I have had to pick up the slack. As the mother I have had to watch my girls cry themselves to sleep because of the hurt and pain they feel. As the mother I have had to be the one to explain to my children that it is not their faults. Many times I have had to cry myself to sleep because I have had to see the hurt on their precious faces irresponsibility. It has been a long journey; at times one I wish neither one of my children would have to experience. Mothers we have to be both at times, and it is not always easy. That is why we have to search for that inner strength and keep pushing because in the long run you will be a better person for it, and your children will praise you for the sacrifices that you made.

Women, there are men out there that do take care of their responsibility and we have to commend them for that!
I am so grateful to my husband for taking and loving my children as his own. Ladies, there are real men who do understand that a father's love is a necessity and is willing to step up to the plate. Don't force anything, but patiently wait for God to send it! Most importantly know that we always have a heavenly father that exemplified the real meaning of a "Fathers Love."

My Third Journey:

My prayer is that I am able to be all that God wants me to be as a mother, and woman of God. I pray for your health and strength. I pray that God will use me to teach you who He is and the greatest gift He gave, salvation. I pray for your happiness and joy throughout life. I pray that anytime you may fall that you will always look to the Lord for help. Amen

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010

Loving Yourself

A question I ask many young women is, "Do you love yourself?" I have learned through my upbringing that if you don't love yourself then no one else will. Many times women deal with issues of low self-esteem, body image problems, men problems, etc. and we question the person God created. Why am I not good enough? Why doesn't he love me enough not to cheat, or hit me, or verbally abuse me? Why does my body look like this? Why do I feel like a failure? How can I be this person or that person? Bottom line is: you have to be happy with yourself and love yourself before anyone else can!

Many times as women and mothers we carry so much baggage. We find ourselves carrying baggage from one relationship to the other relationship and don't deal with the issues at hand. If you are a woman who has been in several relationships and have been hurt so many times you find yourself putting up a wall, and even becoming numb to certain situations. You may find yourself resenting who you are instead of embracing and loving yourself. It is so important to correct and learn from each circumstance in order to grow. Once you learn to accept who God has created you to be, it allows you the opportunity to learn more about You. This then leads to understanding yourself and finding out what you will and will not accept. Being able to accept you for you, is a key factor in loving you!

My Third Journey:

The love I give my children is so true and genuine. It is a love that can't be measured nor picked apart. It is a love that will go to the ends of the earth and back. It is a love that will move mountains and climb the highest heights. My love for my children is unbreakable, and forever pure. I am able to love my children, even my unborn because I am able to love myself!!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

December 27, 2010

He Saw the Best In Me!!!

What a joyous weekend! The opportunity once again to celebrate the birth of Jesus with family and close friends was definitely the highlight. Being able to spend time with my kids and husband made me realize how much better my life has become. I also got the chance to hear about those that went out to help the less fortunate and that touched me as well. We sometimes take for granted our blessings and don't realize how far God has brought us. This weekend I was able to do better because I wanted to be better.

As a mother and woman many times we are tested everyday, and it is the decisions we make that will determine our outcome. It is so important for us to think about the choices we have in front of us instead of reacting out of hurt, pain, and anger. Pastor Craig from LifeChurch said something that will always stick with me, "Live like No One else, so you can Give like No One Else!" I try to use this quote in every aspect of my life. I have to want to do better and live better, so that I will be able to give better. I have learned that Servicing others is way more satisfying than any material items a man can possess.

Many times as women we feel like we neglect ourselves, and sometimes our household. It is important as women to keep pushing and moving even when life throws curve balls. When you think no one is looking believe me they are, and even when you are dying on the inside just know that by keeping a positive outlook will lead to a better outcome!

My Third Journey:

Well, today was a good day. Being able to finally feel those flutters made my day! The girls keep asking when the baby will be here? I love that they are excited, but the thought of being able to balance all three still frightens
I know that with the help of family and friends everything will be OK, but at the end of the day when everyone is gone it will be just my hubby and I.

Friday, December 24, 2010

December 24, 2010

The Night Before Christ Was Born!

Many of us can relate to the joy and fears that Mary experienced the evening before Christ was born. As a mother I can relate to the excitement she felt at the thought of seeing her first born. The conditions in Bethlehem that she had to labor through were not the best, but she managed and didn't complain a mumbling word. Mary was patient, humbled, and exemplified the strength that many women possess! It is that inner strength that comes from God that gets us through lives journeys.

To all the women on this Christmas eve no matter what you are facing search for that inner strength and know that with Christ anything is possible.
Remember on this Christmas Eve that the greatest gift of all is the gift of Christ!!!

My Third Journey:

Each day I carry this child within me is precious. These are the times that I am even more grateful for the blessing that has been given. As I sit and watch my children play I am in awe of the wonderful works of God. I remember the gift that I have been given and the fact that God trust me to be a good steward over these children is so profound and I am grateful for the opportunity!!!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

A Woman's Worth

A woman's worth is not defined by material possessions. A woman's worth is not measured by her hip size, breast size, or butt size. A woman's worth is not the amount of dollars she holds within her account. A woman's worth is not determined by the degree certificate that hangs on her wall. A woman's worth is not measured by the amount of men she has used. A woman's worth is not the beauty she possess on the outside. A woman's worth is not the amount of so-called friends she has. What is a woman's worth?

 A woman's worth is far above rubies, silver, or gold. A woman who fears the Lord, she is worth far more than what the world has to offer!!!

For many women we have experienced the painful trials and tribulations along the way. It has knocked us down to the point that we never thought life would get any better. During these times we question our worth and who we are? As women and mothers we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, and we try to stay strong for others, but at times it seems unbearable! Listen, life didn't come with a "how to" book, so you have to learn along the way. The obstacles that are thrown in our way are to only make us stronger, so it is up to you to pass each test. At the age of 28, I am just now learning my worth and who I am. It takes time to understand yourself, so be careful of who and what you surround yourself with because it may lead you down a path that will only delay you finding out your worth!

I have been tremendously blessed to have a strong mother, two grandmothers, and aunts that I have had the privilege of learning from. Some women don't have that in their lives, so it is so important to share your testimony to others because you just may be that person for another young lady. My mission is to help any and everybody through my testimony, and my prayer is that others will follow.

My Third Journey

Today was rough, but each and everyday is a step closer to finally meeting my little journey. I am anxious and hopeful for its future. Each and everyday it seems as though I get the question, "What do you want to have?" I would love to have a boy, but as long as this baby is healthy that is all that matters! For many mothers I know you can relate. We lose sleep wondering about what to expect and the possible complications. It is a fear that is always in the back of our minds no matter what. Therefore, the best thing I can say to do is to stay prayed up and Trust God!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22, 2010

Some may ask the purpose of this blog, well it is to celebrate motherhood and women!

I am some one's mother, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, granddaughter, and friend. In me you will begin to understand the importance of a woman and you may see you in me. Over the years I have learned so many of life's lessons that it has to offer, and it has been a difficult journey at times. My purpose for this blog and on this earth is to use the voice and testimony that God has given to me to share with others. I was grateful to realize several years ago that everything I had gone through was not for me, but it was for the woman who had low self-esteem, who had been mentally abused, who had been molested, who had been told she wouldn't amount to anything, who had been knocked down for being so determined, who had been taken for granted, who had been misunderstood, who had been made fun of, who had been ridiculed, who had been to thin, or too heavy. I was that voice for each and everyone of those women, and God gave me the voice to use for His purpose!!!

Today, at the doctor office I sat back and seen so many young girls who were expecting mothers. It made me reflect on the time that I was once standing in their shoes. The fear of becoming a young mother and the bright expectations that the world didn't have for me! What were the thoughts of these young ladies? What support system did they have? Who would be there for them to encourage and motivate them to keep striving? Who would inform them of the opportunities they still have? The thoughts flowed through my mind and it dawned on me: We as a society, the ones that have faced the turmoil and difficult journey have to be the one's to support, motivate, and encourage these young women. We have to be the voice and the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

My Third Journey:

On Friday I will be 16 weeks, to hear the heartbeat today of my third journey was profound! The thought that my life will be filled with even more love is overwhelming and brings me to tears. Even when we didn't think it was possible, God allowed my husband and I to experience this joy and I don't take it for granted one bit. The nausea that I experience all day, the breast tenderness, and aches & pains are all worth it! Many people are not able to have children, and some that are able don't deserve to have kids, but one thing I do know is that the Lord never makes mistakes.....

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010

When I think of all the blessings and things that I have been given the most precious is being a mother! The gift of Motherhood is something that is not spoken of often. Many times we here of the overwhelming moments and the frustrations of the hustle and bustle, but Motherhood has its perks. The joy and innocent love that a child gives on a daily basis makes me question "how was I ever blessed with such angels?" Motherhood is a challenge, but yet a wonderful gift!

As a mother who has been a statistic in every arena; teen mother, single mother, married and divorced, re-married, at home mom, and a full-time worker and student trying to take care of my kids the road has not been easy. One thing I can say is through it all I have managed to love my kids and provide for them the best life through the help of God. Even though many have doubted my decisions and my journey to the woman I have become, I can look back and say that the person I once was is no more in part to my kids. Many women don't ask for motherhood, in some cases (not all) it is just handed to us, therefore the journey is what we make of it when it is handed to us!

My first journey began at 19 years old with my first child Emani Nichole, my second journey at the age of 23 with Neamya Alexandria, and a new journey has begun at the age of 27 years old. Expecting the third child is exciting, but yet makes me nervous at the thought of being able to handle the schedule of three children. I commend mothers that are able to juggle the hectic life of having several children and have each child active in some type of activity. With the support of my husband and family I know it will be possible. The roads I have traveled has only made me stronger as a woman, but most importantly made me a better mother. Each decision I make now will only make the path of future journey's to come that much more enjoyable!