Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 21, 2010

When I think of all the blessings and things that I have been given the most precious is being a mother! The gift of Motherhood is something that is not spoken of often. Many times we here of the overwhelming moments and the frustrations of the hustle and bustle, but Motherhood has its perks. The joy and innocent love that a child gives on a daily basis makes me question "how was I ever blessed with such angels?" Motherhood is a challenge, but yet a wonderful gift!

As a mother who has been a statistic in every arena; teen mother, single mother, married and divorced, re-married, at home mom, and a full-time worker and student trying to take care of my kids the road has not been easy. One thing I can say is through it all I have managed to love my kids and provide for them the best life through the help of God. Even though many have doubted my decisions and my journey to the woman I have become, I can look back and say that the person I once was is no more in part to my kids. Many women don't ask for motherhood, in some cases (not all) it is just handed to us, therefore the journey is what we make of it when it is handed to us!

My first journey began at 19 years old with my first child Emani Nichole, my second journey at the age of 23 with Neamya Alexandria, and a new journey has begun at the age of 27 years old. Expecting the third child is exciting, but yet makes me nervous at the thought of being able to handle the schedule of three children. I commend mothers that are able to juggle the hectic life of having several children and have each child active in some type of activity. With the support of my husband and family I know it will be possible. The roads I have traveled has only made me stronger as a woman, but most importantly made me a better mother. Each decision I make now will only make the path of future journey's to come that much more enjoyable!

1 comment:

  1. Where's the "Like" button at? Lol.....U are a great mother to the kids and a great wife, I don't know how u handle so much on ur plate but u do it!!!!!!
