Thursday, December 23, 2010

December 23, 2010

A Woman's Worth

A woman's worth is not defined by material possessions. A woman's worth is not measured by her hip size, breast size, or butt size. A woman's worth is not the amount of dollars she holds within her account. A woman's worth is not determined by the degree certificate that hangs on her wall. A woman's worth is not measured by the amount of men she has used. A woman's worth is not the beauty she possess on the outside. A woman's worth is not the amount of so-called friends she has. What is a woman's worth?

 A woman's worth is far above rubies, silver, or gold. A woman who fears the Lord, she is worth far more than what the world has to offer!!!

For many women we have experienced the painful trials and tribulations along the way. It has knocked us down to the point that we never thought life would get any better. During these times we question our worth and who we are? As women and mothers we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders, and we try to stay strong for others, but at times it seems unbearable! Listen, life didn't come with a "how to" book, so you have to learn along the way. The obstacles that are thrown in our way are to only make us stronger, so it is up to you to pass each test. At the age of 28, I am just now learning my worth and who I am. It takes time to understand yourself, so be careful of who and what you surround yourself with because it may lead you down a path that will only delay you finding out your worth!

I have been tremendously blessed to have a strong mother, two grandmothers, and aunts that I have had the privilege of learning from. Some women don't have that in their lives, so it is so important to share your testimony to others because you just may be that person for another young lady. My mission is to help any and everybody through my testimony, and my prayer is that others will follow.

My Third Journey

Today was rough, but each and everyday is a step closer to finally meeting my little journey. I am anxious and hopeful for its future. Each and everyday it seems as though I get the question, "What do you want to have?" I would love to have a boy, but as long as this baby is healthy that is all that matters! For many mothers I know you can relate. We lose sleep wondering about what to expect and the possible complications. It is a fear that is always in the back of our minds no matter what. Therefore, the best thing I can say to do is to stay prayed up and Trust God!

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