Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010

This Isn't The End

There is one more day left in 2010, and it seems like it just begun. The months have come and gone, and the minutes have ticked away. Looking back over this year has made me ask several questions and reevaluate my purpose. What have I done to help others? Who have I impacted in a positive way? Have I gotten closer to God? What type of woman have I exemplified to others? Have I been the best wife I could possibly be? Am I setting myself up to be a good woman to the man God sends my way? Have I been the best mother I possibly could have been? Does this person make me better or just add negativity to my life? Was this year productive for you or did you take several steps back? For some women you may have had some of the same questions.

It may be hard to even answer some of these questions, but I have learned over my 28 years of life that I have a Purpose. In order to discover your purpose these are some of the questions you have to ask yourself. Through much meditation I realized that many times you have to eliminate, and that some people won't understand so it is important for you to encourage yourself. There are some things that you aren't able to engage in anymore, and there are some people that you must release to move forward. Letting go of those so-called friends, and not hanging with the same crowd was a challenge, but I realized that it was best for me to move toward my Purpose here on earth.

As mothers we have all experienced the struggles of balancing life. We have learned that the same folks that we thought were in our corner are sometimes the same folks that will turn their back on you. We have learned that the most important person(s) in our lives are our children, and we have to do what is best for them. That even means sometimes sacrificing school, working longer hours, and not going out. This year may have brought many challenges and broke you down. However, you made it! You reached down and used that inner strength, and through much prayer and power were able to conqueror what the enemy threw your way. Every trial and tribulation that has came your way was to only make you better, wiser, stronger and prepare you for something greater.

So keep pushing, keep striving, keep encouraging yourself, and know that
 "The Best is Yet To Come!"

My Third Journey:

The joy I have on the inside the world didn't give it the world can't take it away! I am so in love with the being living on the inside of me. Although, I do know that God has control, I am human and still have fears of bringing another child into this world. All the hatred, and chaos that is out there in the world worries me and I pray that none of my children will have to encounter any of it. Reality: I know they will, so as their mother the best thing I can do is allow God to use me to teach them.

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