Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December 22, 2010

Some may ask the purpose of this blog, well it is to celebrate motherhood and women!

I am some one's mother, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, granddaughter, and friend. In me you will begin to understand the importance of a woman and you may see you in me. Over the years I have learned so many of life's lessons that it has to offer, and it has been a difficult journey at times. My purpose for this blog and on this earth is to use the voice and testimony that God has given to me to share with others. I was grateful to realize several years ago that everything I had gone through was not for me, but it was for the woman who had low self-esteem, who had been mentally abused, who had been molested, who had been told she wouldn't amount to anything, who had been knocked down for being so determined, who had been taken for granted, who had been misunderstood, who had been made fun of, who had been ridiculed, who had been to thin, or too heavy. I was that voice for each and everyone of those women, and God gave me the voice to use for His purpose!!!

Today, at the doctor office I sat back and seen so many young girls who were expecting mothers. It made me reflect on the time that I was once standing in their shoes. The fear of becoming a young mother and the bright expectations that the world didn't have for me! What were the thoughts of these young ladies? What support system did they have? Who would be there for them to encourage and motivate them to keep striving? Who would inform them of the opportunities they still have? The thoughts flowed through my mind and it dawned on me: We as a society, the ones that have faced the turmoil and difficult journey have to be the one's to support, motivate, and encourage these young women. We have to be the voice and the light at the end of the tunnel!!!

My Third Journey:

On Friday I will be 16 weeks, to hear the heartbeat today of my third journey was profound! The thought that my life will be filled with even more love is overwhelming and brings me to tears. Even when we didn't think it was possible, God allowed my husband and I to experience this joy and I don't take it for granted one bit. The nausea that I experience all day, the breast tenderness, and aches & pains are all worth it! Many people are not able to have children, and some that are able don't deserve to have kids, but one thing I do know is that the Lord never makes mistakes.....

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