Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 29, 2010

A Father's Love

Over the years I have learned how important a father's love is. I was blessed to grow up with a father in the home, and to be introduced to my heavenly father at a young age. Unfortunately, in today's society it is rare for a father to be present within the home. It kills me to hear the statistics and the lack that the males play in the lives of raising their children. Many have reasons and some could careless. Some even think that by being absent it will hurt the mother, but the person that is really hurting are the children. It is so important for any child to have a father in their lives, but it is vital for young girls to have that presence.

Unfortunately, I have had to be the one to explain to my children why their fathers are not around. As the mother I have had to pick up the slack. As the mother I have had to watch my girls cry themselves to sleep because of the hurt and pain they feel. As the mother I have had to be the one to explain to my children that it is not their faults. Many times I have had to cry myself to sleep because I have had to see the hurt on their precious faces irresponsibility. It has been a long journey; at times one I wish neither one of my children would have to experience. Mothers we have to be both at times, and it is not always easy. That is why we have to search for that inner strength and keep pushing because in the long run you will be a better person for it, and your children will praise you for the sacrifices that you made.

Women, there are men out there that do take care of their responsibility and we have to commend them for that!
I am so grateful to my husband for taking and loving my children as his own. Ladies, there are real men who do understand that a father's love is a necessity and is willing to step up to the plate. Don't force anything, but patiently wait for God to send it! Most importantly know that we always have a heavenly father that exemplified the real meaning of a "Fathers Love."

My Third Journey:

My prayer is that I am able to be all that God wants me to be as a mother, and woman of God. I pray for your health and strength. I pray that God will use me to teach you who He is and the greatest gift He gave, salvation. I pray for your happiness and joy throughout life. I pray that anytime you may fall that you will always look to the Lord for help. Amen

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